As President of the Centennial College Alumni Association, I am honoured to represent you. As a Centennial alum, you have access to a wide range of opportunities to reconnect with classmates, meet new friends and strengthen your bond with the College.
This year, the Centennial College Alumni Association (CCAA) will continue to host our signature series of special events that appeal to a variety of alumni. Our outings include wine tours, trips to Canada’s Wonderland, Toronto Raptors basketball games, theatre shows, family events, a Caribbean trip and Homecoming ‒ the icing on our “event cake.” Not only are these events a great time, they also provide you with an opportunity to network and socialize with your fellow alumni.
If you are interested in playing a more active role in the CCAA, please join us at the Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2019. Make your voice heard and elect the alumni that you think can best represent your interests. We are always looking for fresh faces and great ideas! For more information about upcoming events, or to learn how to get involved in the CCAA, please visit our website at
This edition of Ascent is packed with great articles. Please take a few moments to read about our outstanding alumni, as well as news and updates from the College. If you have a story idea for a future edition of Ascent, please feel free to contact us at I would love to hear from you!
On behalf of the Alumni Board, thank you for supporting your alumni association.Centennial First, Alumni Forever!
Alving Guthrie
President, CCAA