An interview with Alvin Guthrie
The Centennial College Alumni Association offers great ways to reconnect with classmates, make new friends, network, and get the most out of your Centennial education. It also offers the opportunity to use your unique skills and abilities to help lead the Alumni Association by joining its board of directors. We sat down with Alvin Guthrie, President of the Centennial College Alumni Association to find out how much work is involved and what you can expect from becoming a member of the board.
ASCENT: What are some of the responsibilities of being a CCAA board member?
ALVIN GUTHRIE: As a member of the board, you have the opportunity to work with the college on Alumni Association partnerships, learn about the areas students could use assistance and then develop scholarships to help target them. You have the opportunity to plan social and networking events. There are also various positions on the board that have specific responsibilities that allow you to lead by leveraging your expertise in marketing, nance, operations and more.
ASCENT: What characteristics does a successful Board Member have?
ALVIN GUTHRIE: successful board members come with a forward thinking and open mind. Being a board member offers opportunities to bene t a large and diverse constituency. Successful board members are driven, have a high aptitude for strategic thinking and are able to identify priorities.
ASCENT: What sort of commitment is involved?
ALVIN GUTHRIE: We hold board meetings seven times a year and host events that we encourage all our board members to participate in. As a volunteer member of the board, you would be looking to commit approximately ten hours a month between replying to emails, answering phone calls, attending meetings and events.
ASCENT: Any final thoughts for those interested in becoming a CCAA Board Member?
ALVIN GUTHRIE: If Centennial has had a positive impact on your life and you have felt the need to give back, then being a CCAA board member could be a great way to do so. If there is an area that you feel isn’t represented, whether it’s your school or generation that doesn’t have representation on the board, or if the board isn’t speaking to those areas, then you may be the person the board needs to help it improve. Finally, if you have a financial mind, a strong business or board governance background and have worked with a group of diverse stakeholders, but are concerned about the time commitment, you don’t have to be. We are a flexible volunteer board that is willing to work around a schedule that is mutually beneficial.
Be sure to attend our next Annual General Meeting:
June 23, 2018 | 10:00 AM
Student Centre, Progress Campus