10K Coffees Employer Speaker Session

15oct5:00 pm6:30 pm10K Coffees Employer Speaker Session

Event Details

A 10 Thousand Coffees virtual session with guest speaker Susan Caldwell.

Susan Caldwell started her career as a primary school teacher with the Hamilton District School Board. An unexpected life change took her to Toronto where she completed further education and became a businesswoman She got her first job at Ernst and Young. From there, she moved to RBC and started her own consulting company, Metrix Group, a Toronto-based, global consultancy firm focusing on building capability through design, development and implementation of performance based learning systems. Susan is committed to supporting students in their first “real” job. Her firm created a mentorship program for students completing post-secondary school education. Susan continues to work with new entrants to the labour force as well as those with more experience.



October 15, 2020 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-04:00)